
Sunday, December 5, 2010


The negative effects of sugar that is often dreaded disease or diabetes, particularly diabetes type two diabetes mellitus. The disease is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle such as eating too much sugar. Excess sugar can also lead to weight gain and even obesity can cause various diseases. Another effect is easily tired, often sleepy and difficult to concentrate. Meanwhile, people who lack the sugar will look emaciated, weak from lack of energy, malnutrition so easily hurt.

Sugar is derived not only from sweet foods, because foods such as rice, bread, potatoes, and noodles have a sugar content. So also in the side dishes and fruit like bananas, watermelon or cantaloupe. Sugar is derived from these foods are included in complex carbohydrates. While the sugar found in sugar, syrup and the like included in the group karbohirat simple. Soft drinks is also one contributor of sugar to the body when you consume it too often. It is impossible to avoid sugar because sugar is one type of carbohydrate. And as already known, these carbohydrates are needed to produce the energy used in daily activities. So, the important thing is how to consume sugar in a balanced way so as not to harm the body.

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